Saturday, December 20, 2014

Saturday, December 13, 2014

MSVCRT.DLL causing application to fail loading , application failed to link with msvcrt.dll (entry point not found).

This will happen due to two reason

1) Visual C++  run-time is not installed properly

2) An Operating system  incompatible dll is used with the application (See all dlls are compatible and of correct version).

These may happen when situations like dlls for advanced version of OS is used in a lower version of OS if there is no problem with visual studio run time.

Convert WString to String


void main( )


wstring strWS = L"wstring test";

wprinft("Output before conversion:%s",strWS);

string strConv(strWS .begin( ),strWS .end( ));

printf("Result after conversion:%s",strConv);

_getch( );


Error Message: Side-by-side configuration is incorrect

Application/Service does not start and an error message says “The application has failed to start due to a side-by-side configuration error”.


This happens on computers which do not have Microsoft Visual C++ runtime installed or you are using a debug dll or exe in a system which doesn't have visual studio.

Install all available Windows updates and the latest Windows service pack and check if this already solves the problem.

If this doesn't help, turn off Windows' User Account Control (UAC). Now download and install one of the following packages, depending on which Live version you are using:
Live 32-bit - Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)
Live 64-bit - Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)

Please ensure you only install the 2008 version of the SP1 Redistributable Package as later versions (e.g. 2010) will not resolve this issue.

Reboot your computer and launch Application.
Additional Notes

The issue should not take place anymore with the latest Application updates: from application 9.0.5, the Microsoft Visual C++ is included in the program installer.

Installing the latest Live version will take care of installing this component.